Monday, November 08, 2004

Coffee's First Scent

My wife hears it from the bedroom. My kids can wake to it in the morning. It's the high pitched sound of the coffee grinder as I prepare to start another day. This day it's Dunkin Donut's house blean, whole bean. I place the ground coffee in the pot and press 'on'. The aroma begins to fill the kitchen and then the whole house. There is nothing quite like it!

I am new to blogging. Heck, the term sounds quite unfamiliar to me. Sounds like we are just bastardizing the English language. But it is what it is, so a blogging we will go.

My brother Paul indirectly introduced me to blogging. He has a blog here It's a blog about the events that surround him and his family. I can see how these blogs get intoxicating. Interesting reading about other peoples lives. For me the interest lies in seeing how others live and learning that others struggle to get from here to there just as I do.

My Mom has been writing a weekly newsletter of her daily events for years now. She called it the Carolina Chronicles. It's gotten a very devoted following from family and friends. She does an excellent job. Maybe you'll see some of her posts here. Of course, I'll give her the credit too!


At 12/04/2004 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, come on, let's get something new here. I check this site every 15 min. and nothing is changing!!!!

Love ya


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