“Fantastic Voyage”

Marie has been in a special educations program called ‘Target’ - a name which probably means something but I’ve been to busy to find out. It is for those students that have tested well above the average student. A couple of years ago Marie tested in the top 3 percent of her class. She has been in Target classes ever since.
From the beginning of her classes we have been inundated with school projects. Many of them in the field of science. I’m always somewhat cautious when my children are learning science because I want to be sure they understand that all things learned from science are in fact, gifts from God. I’m sure most of those that have dedicated their lives to the field of science have at least pushed aside God in their thirst for knowledge and understanding. Having watched to Science Channel on cable TV for some time now I can honestly say that God is truly a second thought, if thought of at all.
But for me, when I look at the Hubble Telescope images which are becoming imbedded in so many things these days, I see God! I see the fantastic work of the Almighty. And I want my children to understand, while there are ways to determine many things in this universe, that the universe is God’s to do with as He sees fit.
So here we are, Marie and I, watching this very scientific film discussing what we are seeing and how the body part works or interacts with other parts. Suddenly the medical team takes an unplanned turn (after all, it is a movie) requiring the them to divert from their planned path to the patients brain tumor and re-route their path through the heart! In order to accomplish this the doctors outside the patients body will need to stop the heart for enough time to allow the medical team to pass through the heart and continue on to the brain. Marie and I are watching with interest as the miniature ship is passing through the stopped heart when Marie says out loud, “Hey, where’s Jesus? I thought Jesus was in your heart!” I paused for a moment taking pride in the fact that at this age she seems to get that whole aspect of God and science. Then she turns from the TV to me and says with a wry smile, “That was pretty good huh Dad.”
I had to admit that was pretty good.
Sometimes a child's intelligence can not be attributed to their parents. In this case, it can most likely be attributed to her God Father.
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