Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity
In adoration this past weekend I was reflecting on Jesus' greatest miracle, the Eucharist. I repeated over and over in my mind as I gazed at the monstrance, "Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity" . The more I reflected on it the less I comprehended. "I can not possibly comprehend 'Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity'", I thought. When I get past transubstantiation of the wafer it's somewhat easier to 'grasp' 'Body' and 'Blood'. I get past transubstantiation because I believe Jesus is divine and as such can do anything. 'Body' and 'Blood' are easier to comprehend because those are physical things that I have seen and touched in my life. I'm familiar with this aspect of human existence. But the aspect of 'Soul' and 'Divinity'?! Jesus' soul? His divinity?
Have you ever tried to grasp the size of the universe? National Geographic is famous for the many foldouts included in their magazines. Maps of different lands, diagrams of archeological digs, satellite images, etc. One I remember tried to display the size of the universe. It started from the solar system (oh sure, I can comprehend that simple size (NOT!)), which is then represented by a pin hole in the galaxy, which is then represented as a pin hole in a cluster of galaxies, which is then represented as a pin hole in an area the size of a 3 inch square, which get the idea. It's virtually impossible to grasp the size of the universe.
Or how about a trillion, trillion dollars?
I heard a scientist say they now know the numbers of atoms in the universe (arrogant Man!)...It's the number 1 with 70 zeros after it. "A trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion atoms!" he said emphatically. Listening and trying to comprehend these dimensions makes me feel like my brain is only one atom in size! And yet, all of this 'size' is but a pin hole to the magnitude of Jesus' miracle of the Eucharist! His body, blood, soul and divinity!
Think about it. Find a quiet place and reflect on it. It will bring you to your knees in wonder, awe and humility!