Magnificent, Awesome...
I found this on t
he refrigerator. It had been there awhile and I hardly notice the things we put there. That is until I need some important information like a store coupon, Mass or kids schedule. On this piece of paper are the letters for 'Marie Bauer' which are used to describe some aspect of Marie. Marie wrote out the words for 'Marie'. I learned later that Theresa wrote the words for 'Bauer'. What struck me was the words used be each person to describe some aspect of this wonderful girl. For me, Marie's choices speak volumes about how she feels about herself. What comes from these words is a great sense of her goodness and her character. I love 'Rational' and "Endless laughter". We'll see how the 'Rational' plays out when she enters her teens.
Theresa used words which come from a mothers perspective, both loving and kind. They show both love and affection. I
t's a wonderful piece! Clearly a keeper!

Theresa used words which come from a mothers perspective, both loving and kind. They show both love and affection. I
t's a wonderful piece! Clearly a keeper!
I loved reading Marie's words to describe herself and think you are right - it is wonderful to know that she has such a positive image of herself! I have always felt that she is a pretty confident and independent person. She isn't afraid to introduce herself to anyone and have a conversation which is amazing to me (especially for a kid!).
We all know that, as teens, it is the parents who become irrational. Then, within 8 years or so, they get their brain back. :-p Ah the sarcasm...
That is so great. She has always been a spitfire. She will accomplish a great many things in her life, I'm sure.
Steve, when you do yours', here's a suggestion...
S - Slow
T - Tardy
E - Erstwhile
P - Preeny
H - Handy
E - Elsewhere
N - Not Peter
I prefer...
S - Sensational
T - Terrific
E - Extraordinary
P - Peter of course
H - Holy Mackerel
E - Edjamakated
N - Noble
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